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Tell us about your good practice

HSCP and IOWSCP is always keen to receive professional feedback on the Neglect Toolkit.

If you have any comments or would like to contribute any ideas and/or links to other published material, please email clearly stating which toolkit you are referring to.  We will then review your contribution.

Relaunch events – 2021

The February 2021 launch events of the revised Neglect Strategy and associated Toolkit were hugely successful with over 300 delegates in attendance.

Professionals attending the virtual events provided feedback on what they would take away from the event and how they would share with colleagues to ensure that those working with children and families are able to identify and respond to issues of neglect.

Practitioner quotes

“I am using the ‘day in a life’ tool at the moment to support a number of children in my school. It has been really helpful to use the points and bring them into conversation to build a bigger picture of what the child’s life is like outside of school. It has helped me understand some important parts of the ‘jigsaw’ and help me understand what the child’s lived experience is like.” Hampshire Primary School Teacher