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Safeguarding in Education

Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in identifying concerns, sharing information and taking prompt action.

Schools and other educational settings play a unique role due to the contact that they have with children and young people on a daily basis. See the Hampshire County Council website for further information on statutory procedures (including model policies), guidance and the annual audit.

Keeping Our Friends Safe

The ‘Keeping Our Friends Safe’ resources have been developed in recognition that children/peers sometimes disclose things to each other, rather than the adults around them. It teaches children what they can do if they are concerned about a friend. It is hoped that schools will utilise the resources as part of their ongoing safeguarding initiatives for keeping children safe.

Primary Resource

The Keeping Our Friends Safe primary school resource is for all schools who have Junior age children (primarily Year 5 and 6 but can be used for Year 3 and/or 4 depending on their maturity).

The resource comprises of two downloadable PowerPoint presentations:

Secondary Resource

The Keeping Our Friends Safe secondary school resource is designed for all schools who have pupils in Year 7 to 11.

The resource comprises of two downloadable PowerPoint presentations:

Scenarios have been included in both the primary and secondary resources as a tool to support discussion with children. They are designed to allow for the exploration of the additional complexities that may not be captured in the examples but can be present in real life situations.