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Neglect Strategy and Action Plan

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Neglect Strategy

The strategic aim of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children Partnerships’ (HSCP and IOWSCP) HIOW Neglect Strategy 2024-26 is to prevent and reduce the impact of neglect and to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. To fulfil this aim, it is imperative that neglect is recognised early and prevented, and that all agencies involved in the care and support of children and families work in partnership to effectively, collectively and consistently respond to all children considered to be at risk of neglect.

The revised strategy is applicable to all professionals who work with unborn babies, children and their families across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. It is underpinned by a strengths-based, family focused approach to partnership work.

The strategy should not be considered in isolation but is intended to be supported by the full range of practitioner tools available from the HSCP and IOWSCP online Neglect Toolkit, as well as supporting local policies for multi-agency practice as found on the HIPS Procedures website.

The Neglect Threshold and Indicators Chart is included in the strategy and toolkit and provides a guide to recognising neglect in children.

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Neglect Strategy Action Plans

To support the implementation of the revised strategy and to ensure that neglect is widely understood and responded to in joint working arrangements, the HSCP and IOWSCP have developed Neglect Strategy Action Plans for their LSCP areas for 2024-26.