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Research, Policies and Procedures

Winston Churchill Fellowship Report

The aim of this Fellowship was to explore international programmes related to the prevention of child maltreatment with a particular focus on the devastating form of child abuse that is Abusive Head Trauma (AHT) in infants and to gain an understanding about the wider context of the delivery of care and the systems and processes in which they are provided and commissioned. Specific outputs from the Travel Fellowship include the development of a UK based primary prevention programme.

The Fellowship has included the observation and study of the powerful programmes visited and the passionate and dedicated professionals who lead and research them. A critical analysis of the applicability of the different programmes within the UK health and social care context is considered alongside the evidence base underpinning prevention of Abusive Head Trauma and helping parents and caregivers cope with crying.

Read Dr Suzanne Smith’s blog following the Hampshire ICON Launch in September 2018.

ICON Pilot Evaluation

To follow.

4LSCP Bruising Protocol

Bruising in babies who are not rolling or crawling is unusual. National and local serious case reviews have identified the need for heightened concern about any bruising in a baby who is not independently mobile. It is important that any suspected bruising is fully assessed even if the parents feel they are able to give a reason for it.

This protocol must be followed in all situations where an actual or suspected bruise is noted in an infant who is not independently mobile.

GP ICON Maternal Postnatal Template

For use by GPs at the six to eight week maternal postnatal appointment.