Safeguarding Adolescents Strategy
Adolescence is a transitional period of physical and psychological development between childhood and adulthood, the cultural purpose of which involves preparation to assume adult roles. The multi-agency partners across Hampshire and Isle of Wight are committed to safeguarding children and young people from psychological and physical harm and this remains a core priority for the Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children Partnerships (HIOW SCP). The scope of this Strategy is to support the improvement of outcomes for children transitioning through adolescence.
The Safeguarding Adolescents Strategy supports the strategic and operational oversight of children at risk, through transparent information sharing, better interface, and collaboration between statutory, voluntary, and community partners. This also includes awareness raising through learning events, and greater opportunity to hear and include the voice of children and engage them in the shaping and design of services.
The Strategy recognises the complexities of children’s lives and that for some children their vulnerabilities can lead to a risk of abuse and exploitation. The aim of the Strategy is to equip the children’s workforce across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight with the skills to identify and provide an early effective response and intervention to safeguard adolescents at risk of harm.
The Strategy is applicable to all professionals who work with children and their families across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. It is underpinned by a strengths-based, family focused approach to partnership work, listening to the voices of adolescents and their families and understanding their lived experiences.
The Strategy builds on existing good practice, as well as identifying and addressing gaps in service delivery and provision. Information and practical tools will promote effective ways of working͘ with vulnerable children to achieve positive change.
The Strategy should not be considered in isolation but is intended to be supported by the full range of practitioner focussed tools available from the HSCP and IOWSCP, as well as supporting local policies for multi-agency practice located on the Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth, and Southampton (HIPS) Procedures website.
Read the full Safeguarding Adolescents Strategy.