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Self Assessment

The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children Partnerships (LSCPs) have created a safeguarding children’s checklist to support community groups and the voluntary sector organisations with their safeguarding practices. This is an opportunity for your organisation to look at your safeguarding practice, policies and guidance and think about what is working well and areas for development.

To support you in completing the safeguarding children’s checklist the below guide has been developed;

VCSE Safeguarding Self Assessment Guidance this links to a Microsoft form submitted to the partnerships demonstrating your group/organisations commitment to safeguarding. This should be completed by the person who has lead responsibility for safeguarding children and young people within your group/organisation. In addition, it provides a helpful action plan to keep you on track in terms of safeguarding children and young people.

You may not  have everything listed in place. This is an opportunity for you to reflect and consider what you already have in place and what you could do to further improve.

The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children Partnerships will review all submissions from community groups and the voluntary sector organisations on a yearly basis and will provide annual feedback based on the submissions, including sharing resources that may support you.