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Practical tools

Organisations working with children and young people must have safeguarding policies and procedures in place and be able to respond to child protection concerns. Below are some practical tools and templates that can be utilised by community, voluntary and faith groups to help protect the children you work with.

This Model Safeguarding Policy has been approved by the Hampshire and Isle of Wight LSCP Executive Groups to support community and voluntary organisations in the update and further development of their safeguarding policies.

This Pre-disclosure Risk Assessment Template has been adapted by Barnardo’s to support organisations in the process of risk assessment.

The Are they safe? pathway to safer practice wallchart supports organisations to look at their current safeguarding practices and help identify areas for development.

The Charity Commission’s 10 safeguarding actions for charity trustees infographic supports the development of robust governance for all charities in relation to safeguarding.

This induction checklist provides a framework for an organisation to use with volunteers who may work with children and young people, so they have the necessary support to:

  • Carry out their role and the tasks required of them
  • Recognise how to behave in an appropriate way with children and young people
  • Recognise and apply appropriate boundaries in their interactions with children and young people
  • Recognise and understand how to refer concerns about the welfare of children and young people
