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Strategy & Governance

The Local Safeguarding Children Partnerships (LSCPs) across Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth, and Southampton (HIPS) are committed to improving the outcomes for children and young people who are victims of child sexual abuse.

The HIPS Child Sexual Abuse Strategy has been developed considering the Joint Targeted Area Inspection Framework on the theme ‘Child sexual abuse in the family environment’ and the need to ensure the following:


  • The provision of training and support for professionals in relation to the prevention, identification and response to child sexual abuse.
  • Child centred practice.
  • Promoting awareness within communities.
  • Demonstrable local leadership through the safeguarding partners.

The Strategy has been produced to support a coordinated approach to preventing child sexual abuse (CSA), and improve the identification, protection, and support for victims, survivors, and their families. It has been created to improve the ways in which children’s needs and risks are understood, recognised and responded to. It is not a “stand alone” document and should be considered alongside other relevant HIPS/LSCPs strategies, in particular the HIPS Child Exploitation Strategy.

Key performance indicators have been developed across the HIPS area to measure impact on practice and will be monitored and scrutinised through the individual partnerships.

Information gained through this scrutiny work will be used to inform the Strategy going forwards.

Governance for the Strategy sits individually with the four LSCPs, however where possible a joined up approach will be taken to reflect the cross border working of many agencies.