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An Introduction to identifying and Supporting Young Carers

Date: Tuesday, 06th Feb 2024 | Category: Training

A young carer is a person under 18 who provides care for someone, usually a family member with an illness, disability, mental health issue, or addiction.

Evidence shows that having a caring role can impact on a child’s physical and mental wellbeing, social relationships, education, and employment prospects. Early identification is crucial to provide support before a child becomes vulnerable. However, identifying young carers can be challenging for professionals.

In 2023, the school census recorded 38,983 young carers in England. This is less than half of the 96,757 young carers aged 5-16 identified in the 2021 census. The true figure is likely to be far higher.

Our latest new webinar, An Introduction to identifying and Supporting Young Carers, aims to address this important issue. This webinar is relevant for professionals and service providers in various sectors such as adults and children’s services, health, education and the voluntary sector. It will cover topics such as identifying young carers, understanding the impacts on wellbeing, health, and education, and providing multi-agency responses. The Hampshire Young Carers Alliance will also share information about young carers’ rights and the support they offer across the county.

Spaces are free to book and are on a first come, first served basis.

Booking date and time:

Wednesday, 15 May, 09:30-11:00