HSCP and IOWSCP Child-on-Child Abuse Toolkit for Professionals
As professionals, we understand that children can experience abuse from other children. This is generally referred to as child-on-child abuse and can take many forms. Hampshire and Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children Partnerships are pleased to launch the Child-on-Child Abuse Toolkit for professionals, to support a coordinated approach to tackling child-on-child abuse and aim to eliminate the risk across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight of children experiencing abuse from other children.
The toolkit is based on the following principles:
- The safety and welfare of all involved children is paramount.
- All children should be safe from abuse and harm, wherever they live, learn or work.
- Child-on-child abuse can take many forms. It can be emotional, physical or sexual. It can happen to any child, in any place or online.
- Experiencing harmful behaviour from another child will have significant negative effects on a child, which may include impact on their health, relationships and education.
The toolkit provides practical tools and resources to support professionals in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight to identify and respond to children who have experienced, or are at risk of, harmful behaviour from other children. The toolkit also provides information and resources to support professionals in their response to those children who have displayed harmful behaviour towards other children, to recognise any needs and vulnerabilities and ensure that all involved children are effectively safeguarded.
The material is free to access and available to all practitioners from any agency/organisation working with children and their families across the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Local Authority areas.