Safeguarding Children’s Week 2023
Welcome to Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children Partnership’s (HIOW) inaugural Safeguarding Children Week 2023, which runs from 9 to 13 October.
Safeguarding Children Week has been developed by the HIOW partnerships as an annual opportunity to bring together agencies and organisations across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight to raise awareness of important safeguarding issues. Our aim for the week is to enable all organisations and individuals working with children and families to feel confident in identifying the signs of abuse and neglect and to know how to record and respond to safeguarding concerns.
We have lots of exciting things to share this week including the launch of several new toolkits, messages from senior managers and key learning that you can apply to your practice. Take a look at our programme for more details. You will need to come back to the website each day of the week when we unlock the relevant page containing more information.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, so with this in mind we have come up with a variety of themes for different audiences to share with you every day this week. Please come back every morning to see what our theme for the day is – so be sure to mark this page as a favourite in your web browser.
If you have any questions or feedback on the week, please get in touch at
To start our week find out more about the role of the HSCP and IOWSCP Independent Chair and Scrutineer in an interview with Scott MacKechnie.
Day |
Theme |
Mon, 9 October | Safeguarding, radicalisation and extremism
Release of the new Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership and Hampshire Safeguarding Adult Board Prevent Toolkit to support professionals in safeguarding children from radicalisation and extremism. Supporting community and voluntary organisations Release of a comprehensive new Toolkit in response to requests from community and voluntary organisations for support on safeguarding children they come into contact with as part of their work.
Tues, 10 October | Protecting from child exploitation
Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton (HIPS) Safeguarding Children Partnerships will launch the new HIPS Child Exploitation Toolkit to support professionals with a co-ordinated approach to preventing child exploitation (CE), and improve the identification, protection, and support for victims, survivors, and their families. Be part of it and book a free place at the virtual launch. |
Wednes, 11 October | Training Together. Learning Together. Safeguarding Together.
Explore the fully funded multi-agency training offer and how learning together can deliver positive outcomes for children and families.
Thurs, 12 October | Safeguarding unborn babies and infants
Release of a new Safeguarding Infants Toolkit designed to support professionals working with new and expectant parents to safeguard unborn babies and infants under one year old.
Fri, 13 October | Supporting parents and carers
Safeguarding resources that can be used with parents/carers or to signpost to parents/carers to access directly.
As well as information on the website and launch events we will be posting on X/Twitter. Search #Safeguardingchildren2023 and share our posts.