Report a concern
Immediate threat
If you have seen a person acting suspiciously or if you see a vehicle, unattended package or bag which might be an immediate threat, move away and call 999 without delay.
Immediate threat to life – Call 999 without delay.
No immediate threat
If you’re concerned about possible terrorist activity or risk of radicalisation and there is no immediate threat, you can refer the individual for support by contacting any one of the following:
Hampshire Adult Services | Tel: 0300 555 1386 |
Hampshire Children’s Services | Tel: 0300 555 1384 |
Hampshire Police | Tel: 101 |
Anti-Terrorist Hotline | Tel: 0800 789 321 |
Complete an online report to UK police | Report suspected terrorist activity |
Complete an online Prevent National referral | Prevent National referral form |
Reporting information found online
If you have found material online which is illegal or of an extremist nature, as well as making a referral in any one of the above ways, you can also report it anonymously.
Further information and details of national campaigns can be found at Hampshire Prevent Partnership Board.