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Local Resources

Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (HSCP) has produced a Managing Self-Harm Resource Sheet for non-health professionals (e.g. education staff, parents/carers and others) to support children who self-harm.

HIPS Self-Harm Pathway

For all children under 18 years who present with self-harm behaviour in the community, the Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton (HIPS) Self-Harm Pathway should be followed to ensure that appropriate support is provided.

Hampshire County Council

Emotional Wellbeing & Mental Health Strategy

Physical Activity Strategy

Hampshire Health in Education

The Hampshire Health in Education website is for education staff of all Key Stages to find high-quality and evidence-based information, advice and guidance on a range of health-related categories, including emotional wellbeing and mental health. Information is organised by age group and health topic. This website is frequently updated to ensure the most up-to-date resources are provided. Email contact:

School Nursing

School Nurses have a vital role to play in supporting early intervention in the management of emotional health and wellbeing, and may be the first health professional a child or young person discloses low mood or self-harming behaviour to. School nurses follow a defined pathway of care to ensure that appropriate support and resources are offered to enable early intervention in the management of emotional health needs. Assessing the level of risk to the child or young person is a fundamental part of that process with referral onto other appropriate professionals where the risk is deemed higher than Tier 1 (signposting) or Tier 2 (first line care planning). Find out more about the Children and Family Services including School Nursing in Hampshire.

Hampshire CAMHS

Lots of parents and carers have worries about their child’s mental health and think they need a referral to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). Whilst this is understandable, there are often lots of other things you can try in the first instance. The Hampshire CAMHS website provides further information on supporting young people with problems and life issues.  Also see the CAMHS Videos & Podcasts to access information on various topics including crisis, self-harm and suicide.

Solent Mind

Solent Mind provide a Self-Harm Support Hub for parents, carers and families of children and young people experiencing self-harm. They also offer weekly online Peer groups and Peer led awareness sessions.


ChatHealth is a free confidential texting service, provided by the school nurse service for young people age 11 – 16. Young people can text 07507 332160 for support.

Energise Me

Energise Me is a charity that champions physical activity for all in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Their goal is to create a happier, healthier and stronger future for local people.

Physical activity transforms lives. Their work is helping people to reduce their risk of major illnesses and depression.

National Resources

If you work with children and young people, have a look at the YoungMinds professionals page for resources, tips and advice on things you can do to help young people with their mental health.

Charlie Waller Memorial Trust

NICE Guidance

The best start for life: a vision for the 1,001 critical days – GOV.UK

Five To Thrive

PSHE Association

Coping with Self Harm – A Guide for Parents and Carers

Young People Who Self-Harm- A Guide for School Staff

The truth about self-harm | Mental Health Foundation

SANE – Mental Illness Charity

Rethink Mental Illness

Harmless – also includes an online assessment tool to use with young people

National Self Harm Network Resources

What is Self Harm?

Advise for Friends, Family and Carers

Advise for Young People

Basic First Aid

Common Misconceptions

Distractions List

Bereavement and Loss

There are a number of local and national organisations who can support families, children and young people who are experiencing bereavement and loss. For further information see the Themes & Processes section on Bereavement & Loss.