Key Messages- if you do one thing…
Learning from Audits: Valuable Children with Disrupted School Attendance
Recognise that engagement in education is a significant protective factor for children. Encourage attendance and engagement whenever you can. When working with children who have a one plan (Early Help) or a child in need plan or child protection plan, make it a multi-agency responsibility to consider if the child is attending and engaging in school/education and what support the child and family may need.
Safeguarding Infants Thematic Review 2022 - Executive Summary
- Make sure you are aware of the HIPS Unborn/Newborn Baby Protocol and your role and responsibilities. This protocol supports the effective sharing of information.
- Refresh your knowledge of the Protocol for the management of actual or suspected bruising or other injury in infants who are not independently mobile.
- Be familiar with HSCP Safeguarding Infants programmes such the ICON (Abusive Head Trauma) programme and the Every Sleep Counts programme
- Make sure your recording keeping training is up to date. You can access the training via your own agency or via HSCP eLearning – Training – Hampshire SCP
Local Learning events
Learning from Reviews: Oscar
Ask the child, “what has happened to you?” instead of “why did you do that?”. Lots of adults can’t explain why they did a particular thing, so we shouldn’t expect children to be able to, but children can tell us what has happened, and they do that through what they say and importantly how they behave and when we know a child well, how they are with us.
Learning from Reviews: Jones and Taylor Children
Routinely enquire who has caring responsibilities or unsupervised contact with the children you are working with.