Useful Links
These links offer advice and support for parents and carers to help support you in strengthening your parental relationships.
For many parents and carers, finding time for yourself can be a challenge as you juggle family and relationships with your home and work life. The Anna Freud Centre have created this toolkit of activities you can try either on your own or as a family:
Self Care, Anxiety, Depression, Coping Strategies | On My Mind | Anna Freud Centre
Back to Basics
Empowering parents and carers to support their child’s emotional wellbeing within the home
Looking after your family’s wellbeing is very important. Families all need some help from time to time due to life changes or events.
As a parent or carer, you can take small steps to help your child’s wellbeing as well as your own. You can do this by starting with the basics. Visit the Back to Basics website to find out more: Back to Basics | Children and Families | Hampshire County Council (
The Relation Kit includes free mindfulness activities and positive affirmation cards.
The kit incudes videos showing parents in moments of conflict, notice how they could have done things differently.
Hampshire’s Family Information and Services Hub (FISH) is a one stop shop for parents, children and young people to find information, advice/support and services in Hampshire. This includes:
· Information, advice and guidance
· Childcare and early years education
· Short breaks, activities, leisure and play
· Family Support Service information
· Youth support services
· Information for Children in Care & Care leavers
For additional resources and support relating specifically to family support and parenting, view here: Family Support | Family Information and Services Hub (
If you are thinking of separating, the Separation Planner from Relate can help. Whether you just want to know where you stand or want to take action to start to separate or divorce.
Welcome to Relate Separation Readiness
Did you know, families can access up to £500 towards the cost of Mediation?
In March 2021, the government announced that it was investing in family mediation, to support families to resolve issues relating to children. Under the scheme, the Ministry of Justice provides a contribution of up to £500 per family, to resolve issues relating to children following parental separation. Mediation is provided by Family Mediation Council Accredited (FMCA) mediators and aims to encourage families to use non-court options. At the end of your mediation, the voucher will be deducted from your overall bill, up to a total of £500. For more information please visit:
Family Mediation Voucher Scheme – Family Mediation Council
Individuals who are able to access Legal Aid can use this for Mediation. To find out about eligability, please visit: Check if you can get legal aid – GOV.UK ( To Find a Mediator who offers legal aid, visit: Find your local mediator – Family Mediation Council
What is a Mediation session like?
Produced by the Family Mediation Council for Family Mediation Week 2021 this mock family mediation enables you to experience what actually happens in a mediation session. Real life Family Mediation Council Accredited mediator, Elaine Richardson works with Will and Sarah (played by actors) to give a real life feel.
Mock Family Mediation – Family Mediation Week 2021 – YouTube
The Child of Separated Parents
This powerful resource aims to remind us of the needs, wishes, and feelings of children when experiencing parental separation so that we can understand their needs and prioritise them in decision-making.
The Child of Separated Parents – NACCC
Cafcass advises the family courts about the welfare of children and what is in their best interests. Find out how Cafcass can help you: Help in Planning Together for Children | Cafcass
Parental conflict is very different to domestic abuse. No one should ever make you feel threatened or unsafe. If this is how you feel or you are worried about your own behaviour, there are organisations and services that are there to support you. Access Domestic abuse support and information | Health and social care | Hampshire County Council ( to find details on the support service available.
You can call the Advice Line 03300 165 112
Always dial 999 if you are in immediate danger or in an emergency.
To seek help if you are hurting someone please visit Domestic abuse support and information | Health and social care | Hampshire County Council (
The helpline from Refuge, offering support for people who have experienced violence and abuse including domestic violence, sexual violence, ‘honour’ based violence, forced marriage, FGM, human trafficking or modern slavery.
Child / Adolescent to parent violence.
Child to parent abuse | Parental Education Growth Support (PEGS) (
Domestic abuse & Child / adolescent to parent violence.
To seek help if you are hurting someone please visit Domestic abuse support and information | Health and social care | Hampshire County Council (
Free expert relationship advice and a supportive community. Create a FREE account to share questions and stories with the community, try fun and helpful activities, or get private support from a Click listener.
Strengthening parents programme for serving Armed Forces personnel (or veterans within last 12 months) and their co-parents
The Strengthening Parents Programme is a partnership between Relate and Home-Start, aimed at supporting co-parenting in military communities. This is a free service with parents who are separated or who are in a relationship but having difficulties.
Examples could be:
- Parenting a child with additional needs
- Dealing with parental absence/deployment/separation
- Managing mental ill health within the family unit
- Coping with different parenting styles and expectations
Supporting parent relationships | Relate
Army Families Federation The Army Families Federation (AFF) is the independent voice of Army families and works hard to improve the quality of life for Army families around the world – on any aspect that is affected by the Army lifestyle.
Army Families Federation – Supporting Army families worldwide (
The Royal Navy Website has Advice & Support for Service members and their families, including spending time away from family; relocating to a new area or conducting a long distance relationship.
Advice and support | Royal Navy (
Who they are, and what they do
Family Lives offer free and confidential information and advice on all aspects of family life including child development, issues with schools, parenting and relationship support, aggression in the home, bullying, teenage risky behaviour, and mental health concerns of both parents and their children.
Who they are, and what they do
Gingerbread are a charity that help single parent families to live secure, happy and fulfilling lives. The give free and confidential support and expert advice on anything from dealing with a breakup to going back to work or sorting out child maintenance, benefit or tax credit issues. If you plan to use the helpline, mornings tend to be busy, so sometimes calling in the afternoon can help.
Who they are, and what they do
FNF provide support and information to separating or divorced parents who are worried about how their breakup might affect their children. Services are open to mothers, fathers, grandparents, new partners and extended families. Specialist support is available on Mon–Fri between 6pm and 10pm. Outside of these hours, calls are taken by Family Lives who receive additional training from FNF.
Who they are, and what they do
Citizens Advice give free, confidential and impartial advice about your rights. If you have money, benefit, housing or employment problems, they will be able to tell you what your rights are. You can either contact your local centre or call the national phone service.