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Useful links

Safe4Me provides support and advice for parents and carers to keep children safe.

Parent/Carers – Safe4Me

Ivison Trust have developed an information and advice centre and information library for parents whose children are at risk of, or are being, exploited. This is available on their website at For parents – Ivison Trust


This short film explains consent.

Let’s Talk About…Sex & Consent (

My Dangerous Loverboy

My Dangerous Loverboy is a pioneering campaign from Eyes Open Creative aiming to raise awareness of the sexual exploitation and trafficking of young people.

Using the My Dangerous Loverboy short film alongside the Love or Lies Education Resource, this campaign aims to open up people’s eyes to the harsh realities of sexual exploitation. The resource is available on YouTube My Dangerous Loverboy

CEOP/ Thinkuknow

The CEOP (Child Exploitation & Online Protection) website at hosts a range of resources and links.

Know about CSE

For information on Child Sexual Exploitation visit Parents and Carers – CSE – It’s Not OkayCSE – It’s Not Okay (

Its not ok campaign

Greater Manchester Police, the ten GM local authorities and ten GM Local Safeguarding children Boards, GMSP, Crimestoppers and third sector partners have joined forces to tackle CSE with the It’s not okay campaign – the campaign website contains information for parents and carers and can be found at

The campaign aims to educate people on the signs that someone is being exploited, and increase the number of cases that are reported.


The NSPCC has produced three short animations, available on YouTube, each of which deal with the subject of sexual exploitation in a different way. These animations attempt to clarify the complex issues involved and offer starting points for discussion with young people who might be experiencing similar problems. The animations can be found using the link below:

Northampton Police

This  film seeks to help parents and other trusted adults spot the signs of a problem and highlight the crucial part they can play by taking appropriate action.

Film launched to tackle child exploitation | Northamptonshire Police (

Children’s Society

This slang dictionary seeks to support parents, carers and professionals to better understand the language young people may be using and support them to safeguard young people.

disrupting-exploitation-slang-dictionary.pdf (