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Upcoming Training Opportunities in the HSCP Virtual Offer

Date: Tuesday, 23rd Jan 2024 | Category: Training

As we enter the final quarter of the 2023-24 training calendar, Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (HSCP) training will prioritise the importance of adopting a family approach.

To foster a strong and appropriate safeguarding response for family’s experiencing difficulties, it is crucial that practitioners have an in-depth understanding of the child’s needs, the individuals involved in their care, any potential challenges faced by parents or caregivers that may affect their ability to meet those needs, and lastly, the child’s personal experiences within their family or home environment.

A range of upcoming training courses between now and the end of March will provide professionals and volunteers with the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills in this crucial area. Places are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t hesitate to secure your free space. Explore the full selection of courses below:

24 January 2024 12.00 – 13.00

Perinatal mental health problems are those which occur during pregnancy or in the first year following the birth of a child. Perinatal mental illness affects up to 27% of new and expectant mums and covers a wide range of conditions (NHS England).

If left untreated, mental health issues can have significant and long-lasting effects on the woman, the child, and the wider family.

Our informative webinar, An Introduction to Perinatal Mental Health and the Impact on the Child, explores some of the prevalent perinatal mental health issues encountered by mothers during pregnancy and the first year postpartum. The session will also outline support and resources that are available for both parents and infants.

24 January 2024 19.00 – 20.30

In England, between June 2022 and August 2023, 449 children and young people, aged between 10 and 24, died by suspected suicide, accounting for 9% of all recorded suicide deaths during this period (as reported by the UK Government). Each of these lives lost is a tragedy, yet it is crucial to acknowledge that suicide is a preventable act.

Our Suicide Awareness Prevention Training aims to equip practitioners working with children, young people, and families with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively support and respond to individuals who may be in crisis. Through interactive sessions, participants will gain a deeper understanding of identifying signs of potential crisis, including self-harm, and will be introduced to evidence-based approaches in managing conversations related to suicide.

This training will provide valuable information on the additional support and resources available in Hampshire for those working with children, young people, and adults facing potential crisis. The session will be facilitated by a range of multi-agency partners and will be led by public health.

21 February 2024 12.00 – 13.00

According to Shelter, 120,710 children were found to be homeless and living in temporary accommodation in 2022, equating to one in every 100 children in the country affected by unstable housing situations.

The consequences of inadequate housing conditions and homelessness reach far beyond mere inconvenience. They can have a devastating impact on individuals’ physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. Children’s cognitive development and education can suffer, and family relationships often deteriorate under the chronic stress caused by such circumstances.

Our Introduction to Housing and Homelessness webinar, delivered by housing officers from Test Valley Borough Council, helps to address this critical issue. This session aims to provide a useful overview of housing policies, the important work being done to prevent homelessness, and the support available from Housing Services for families and individuals facing housing challenges.

21 February 2024 19.00 – 20.30

Disguised compliance is a complex issue that involves parents and caregivers appearing to cooperate with professionals to alleviate concerns and halt professional involvement.

Our webinar An Introduction to Disguised Compliance will provide you with a deeper understanding of its occurrence, the difficulties encountered when working with families suspected of disguised compliance, and effective strategies for practitioners to effectively engage with these families while keeping the welfare of the child as the primary focus.

28 February 2024 19.00 – 20.30

Children witnessing domestic abuse is a form of child abuse. This kind of abuse has a devastating impact on both the victims and their families, with children and young people at risk of serious short and long-term harm to both their emotional and physical health.

Our webinar, An Introduction to the Impact of Domestic Abuse on Children and Young People, provides a helpful overview of how domestic abuse affects children. It will equip you with the necessary tools to confidently navigate the challenges that arise when facing disclosures or suspicions of abuse and gain an awareness of specialist support available.

20 March 2024 12.00 – 13.00

The term ‘Unidentified Adults’ refers to an adult who agencies are not aware of, or not engaging with. They could be living within a household where children live or with someone who has regular contact with children. This can be in any capacity, such as parent, partner, grandparent, non-family member etc.

It is crucial to recognise the significance of knowing who resides in a household where a child lives. Both local and national sources provide ample information emphasising the need to understand the composition of these households. Many reviews have highlighted the issue of professionals failing to identify and assess key adults responsible for the care of children who have either suffered harm or, tragically, lost their lives.

To highlight the importance of engaging with Unidentified Adults and the potential risks and benefits they pose, we are offering a Lunchtime Learning session on this topic. During this session, we will provide an overview of the subject matter, explore barriers to engagement, and offer strategies for overcoming them. Additionally, we will share general principles and top tips that can be effectively applied to your professional practice.