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Wednesday – Safeguarding Children who are Victims of Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse manifests in various forms and includes a wide range of abusive and coercive behaviours that can occur in any type of relationship. To effectively support both children and adults, statutory and voluntary sector services must have a thorough understanding of how abusers employ controlling and coercive tactics, as well as the fear faced by victims of all ages. It is therefore essential that our professional responses are rooted in a comprehensive knowledge of domestic abuse.

Listen to our colleague from Stop Domestic Abuse discussing coercive control, how to recognise and respond to this form of domestic abuse, and the support available to victims. 

Presentation Transcript

Did you know we have 15 different Domestic Abuse themed webinars?

To facilitate our understanding, HSCP offers a series of domestic abuse-themed webinars designed to aid multi-agency practitioners in Hampshire with their ongoing professional development. These sessions help foster a collaborative safeguarding response for children and young people who are victims/survivors of domestic abuse.

Today, we are excited to announce four webinars specifically focused on this critical issue. If you haven’t already signed up, we encourage you to register for one of our free live sessions by clicking on the links below:

An Introduction to Recognising and Responding to Perpetrators of Domestic Abuse

An Introduction to the Impact of Domestic Abuse on Children and Young People

An Introduction to Economic Abuse

An Introduction to Risk Assessment and the DASH Rick Indicator Checklist

To view all of our domestic abuse-themed courses held throughout the year, please see our training site.

If you do one thing…

Take some time to develop your knowledge and skills supporting your safeguarding response to children and young people who are victims of domestic abuse. Access the resources available to you and join our Webinar Wednesdays.

Don’t forget to follow our updates on X throughout the week and share your messages using the hashtag #domesticabusesafeguardingweek.